Why I Regret Not Using a Professional Photographer For My Maternity Photos

Professional Photographer Perth

11 years on and I still kick myself for not organising a professional photographer to take some photos of my growing family all those years ago. But let’s be honest, who wants to get in front of a camera at 34 weeks pregnant? Some of us aren’t glowing, there are those of us who have put on a load of weight, like me. Then there is some of us who don’t have that magical pregnancy glow. Some are just plain old hormonal and crying at the drop of a hat! …..That was me!

I was heavily pregnant, hormonal, sweating in the peak of a Dubai summer. Being 25 kgs heavier then my usual weight and I could eat a dozen original Krispy Kremes in 10 minutes flat (yes you heard right my friends)! It was also the global financial crisis and we were living away from our family & friends in Australia.

It was hectic! Redundancies, new business ventures, moving homes, returning to Perth to give birth to my first born and then returning back to Dubai when she was 14 days old. You name it, we did it! The last thing I felt like doing is getting in from of a professional photographer and getting my photos taken.



Perth Subiaco Photographer
Why I regret not organising my own maternity shoot during my pregnanies

However, what I realise now, is that it was such a short period of time in my life. A moment that I should have celebrated and cherished with every ounce of my being. The roundness of my belly, knowing our baby is safely being carried & nurtured within me. Waiting to finally meet our baby girls!

I remember both my pregnancy journey’s like it was yesterday. It was my perfectly-imperfect life experience that I don’t get to relive or reminisce by looking at a photo or artwork on my home walls. I should have documented it. I wish I did, but I didn’t and I regret that.

It takes 1 hour out of your busy schedule to conduct a maternity/ family shoot and 2 hours for a Newborn session with Cain Photography.

We will make sure you are taken care of every step of the way, as I document this period of your life, for you & your family. Because let’s be real for a second- life is just too short for regrets, so make sure this isn’t one of yours.


Cain Photography your Professional Photographer xox

PS: If you haven’t tried original Krispy Kremes I suggest you go to your nearest outlet right now and grab a box-YUM!


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